August 15, 16, 17:

NBR Lifetime Performance Showcase Camp 

(NYC)  (photos above)  

It provides our Campers with all the amenities & courtesies 

that the facility offers for the entire weekend and come 

ready to referee a national adult Lifetime Trounament !!!

Scroll down to see this NBR Camp Application info


In addition, Become a "learned" TDII Member Official

The TDII  Program provides: 

Training, Development, Instructional, Initiative Program

(Curriculum: from October to September) 

Be part of a season-long educational 

officiating curriculum program.  

It provides officiating guidelines, 

protocols, methodologies, techniques 

that include Mechanics, Call selectivity, 

& Game Management, etc., all designed 

to elevate your abilities in your pursuits 

to officiate basketball at its higher levels 

The TDII  NBR Stack TeamApp program 

for this training & development is a 

nominal season fee of $50.

If you are a High School Official who seeks 

a College or pro level staff yet, & you 

have aspirations to reach such levels, 

this program is for you!  Learn throughout

your season of basketball and progress. 


Our Instructional material targets 

pro-oriented games played nationally &

Internationally. The progran will undoubtedly 

provide you with applicable information for 

high school & college  & pro level competitions

See TDII Membership procedure below:

NBR Offcials Stack Team App TDII Program

$50 Fee from Oct - Sept 

  .... or by submission of a: 

Ronnie Nunn Enterprises LLC

PO Box 2782 , 

Danbury CT 06810

Email me at: if interested




TBL Offcials Stack Team App TDII Program

  .... or by submission of a: 

Ronnie Nunn Enterprises LLC

PO Box 2782 , 

Danbury CT 06810


Vegas CAMP 


& Proactive Officiating Camps

II.  TBL / BSL Las Vegas Camp

Las Vegas, NV

Dates:  TBA 

Registration: Stand-by

For NBR & Proactive Officiating Collaborative 

Camps: Send Camp Check or Money order to: 

Paul Carter @ 1039 Fenner Ln. Gallatin, TN 37066 

Attire: Shorts or pants / Stripe Shirts  

Casual dress: Class time.  

Business Website:

Contact  Paul Carter directly via email or call  

call: 727-455-6409


New York City Camp

NunnBetterRefs Camp 

Lifetime National 

Men's Tournament 

"Performance Showcase"

Dates: Aug. 15, 16, 17 

Where: Life Time Sky (Manhattan) 


Lifetime Health Club, Gym & Fitness Center

605 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036


Friday: Registration & Classroom

Saturday: Games 

Sunday: Games 

*COST : $100

*For 2025 Training &  Development Initiative Members: $50

NBR  Summer Camp (August) 

Attire: Shorts or pants / Stripe Shirts  

Casual dress: Class time.  

Business Website: 

Please Register below:


Click ABOVE  ^ to Register for camp 


This is a selected "only" performance camp 

  .... or by submission of a: 

Ronnie Nunn Enterprises LLC

PO Box 2782 , 

Danbury CT 06810

Officials for ongoing hands-on tutoring 

& mentoring along with potential others 

wishing to become members of these 

officiating staffs.  

your officiating experiences noted 

in your application, we will gladly 

refund your camp fee. 

Please Register below:


Click ABOVE  ^ to Register for camp 
